epicvintagetreasures » collections




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  1. Thank you apostata for all of this fascinating information. I can't wait to see what you discover. I know very little about this piece but it is beautiful and looks very old. To me it appears to be in...
  2. I don't think so. If I remember, he worked more in ceramics than metal. Beautiful work.
  3. Hi, No, they don't come off--they are part of the form. They are not applied handles but are a part of the whole form of the vase.
  4. Thank you again! It is so interesting to find out where little treasures come from. I see things I like, but then I also want to know what they are. Best, Melinda
  5. Thank you! When you say contemporary, how many years does that go back? Just curious. It's a nice little pot and it's nice to know something about it. Best, Melinda
  6. Thank you! How can you tell it is a reproduction? I ask because I know so little about Sevres, and this piece is so beautiful.
  7. Thank you both. That is helpful. It doesn't show up in the photo but the lid is a little worn and faded on top, but it doesn't look like the basket is worn or faded. I don't know either!
  8. Thank you all! I love mysteries--this one is fun, but not yet solved. If I ever do figure it out I'll let everyone know!
  9. See more
