Holycowelsie » collections



toledo, oh


  1. Hello, I too have a very rustic pottery item I am trying to identify, what does the bottom look like?
  2. Thank you all so much for helping me out with this.
  3. Thank you racer4four. I found a range set yesterday on Ebay with the same design, but still it didn't say who the maker was. I think this would be a really cool dinnerware pattern.
  4. Amazingly cool, can't wait to know what they are!
  5. Awesome find!
  6. Thank you Efesgirl
  7. Thank you, nutsabotas6!
  8. Ahhh, possibly why I can't find anything like it. It's very cool though and will be great with my collections. Thanks for ideas Dizzydave and Celiene.
  9. Hello Celiene, The way that the one side comes to a point is interesting. I searched Haeger and didn't come up with anything. I'll keep looking, what would you call the finish or color? It's kind...
  10. Wow, what a wealth of information you guys are, it did seem really really odd having concrete in the bottom of a bowl. At first I thought it was a planter, duh! OK, so, how did you get to knowledgeabl...
  11. Hi there cosaw, the rim is fire polished just like the rest of it. This is crazy!
  12. You got me, that concrete stopper is a strange thing to have on bowl you would use in the house. I can see the lampshade thing, but the bottom doesn't seem right for it. Thanks for the comments.
  13. Gorgeous!
  14. Thank you all for the nice comments!
  15. OMG Celiene! I am so happy to see this lamp with the shade. I have been looking for it for soooooo long. You are awesome! now I've got to find a shade like that! the quest continues!
  16. Thank you, the shape seems to unique. most of them are round. thanks for the comments! you guys are awesome!
  17. Thank you! Got it!
  18. Yes, I was trying to repost in porcelain, but, I couldn't find it. There isn't a hole in the bottom it is filled with concrete.
  19. Hello Celiene, The foot is covered in the same porcelain as the top. I looked in the design and couldn't find any signature. If you don't mind me asking, where is the porcelain category, I couldn't f...
  20. Thank you, I love it too. I though it was a planter because of the concrete on the bottom, but it is very thin and delicate!
  21. Wow, awesome, thank you!
  22. Hello Celiene, can you tell me more about the chinese ceramics ID page and other resources I can use to value or put a name to my items? I'm new to this and learning more every day. Very exciting. Tha...
  23. Yes, thank you Efesgirl!
  24. Wow, I'm new to collecting and I have never heard of vaseline glass, can't wait until I find a piece!
  25. Thank you, Celiene, for asking, the teapot is about 5.5 inches high. The cups sit inside and are 1.5 inches high.
  26. Hello PhilDMorris. Based on the S shaped hardware for the bulbs it would have to be oblong and short I would think. The screw mechanism at the top does not accommodate any finials that I can find. The...
  27. Thank you so much for that comment, that really helps.
  28. Thank you Dizzydave for your insight into this item.
  29. Awesome, that gives me some additional ideas of where to look to see if I can figure out what kind of shade or top was on this. Keep those comments coming! I still can't seem to find it.
  30. Your right, I remember those. It is exactly like that, the same material and feel.
  31. No, it is metal. Can't wait to figure out how it comes together!
  32. See more


Art Glass?


posted 19 days ago
posted 1 year ago
posted 4 years ago
