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Celebrating vintage plastic jewelry - an inspiration | Elisabethan

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Celebrating vintage plastic jewelry - an inspiration

This is a Collection "plastic fantastic" to celebrate and show why early plastic and vintage plastic jewelry is so fantastic. I will make a collection that hopefully can be of inspiration. I want to show the variation and ideas of how to mix and match and wear them. I will show a mix of early and vintage plastic jewelry (bakelite, galalith and others...)The oldest are art deco from around 1930's.It will take up some space today and I hope you will forgive me for it and see the passion of a collector :) Plastic can be seen as tacky or cheap but collectors of vintage plastic jewelry know it can be everything from that to sofisticated, fantastic and down right crazy. It all depends on the quality of the piece and how you wear it. You can wear one singel bangle and be modest or go wild with colorcombination. You can be art deco in style, midcentury or modern. I hope you will like this. Buckle up :)..... I have been asked about the history of my Collection so I add this: I started to collect vintage plastic jewelry about two years ago. I´m very fond of bakelite and early plastic jewelry and it is the antiques of tomorrow. They also gave way, after World war II, for more women to afford nice jewelry as it often imitated amber, marble, coral and such. I never buy very expensive pieces. Most of them I have managed to find in fleemarkets, salvationarmyshops and auctions that wasn´t jewelry auctions (people who came there were not interested or had no knowledge about jewelry). My dark green bakelite bead necklace with matching earclips and my long red translucent bakelite bead necklace are the two pieces I payed more for as I bought them from sellers. I think most of the pieces are midcentury but I have two longer bakelite necklaces (two opaque) that I´m positive are from around 1930's and maybe even right in the beginning of 30's. My long red translucent bakelite bead necklace is also old I think but maybe not as old. The shorter necklaces are from around 1950's-60´s. I know some of my pieces are american and I suspect some are european (french, german)as they have different clasps or different screws in the hidden screw bead clasp. Enjoy.

Wonderful swirly bakelite bangles - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
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Celebrating vintage plastic jewelry  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Celebrating vintage plastic jewelry  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
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Celebrating vintage plastic jewelry  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Celebrating vintage plastic jewelry  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Celebrating vintage plastic jewelry  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Celebrating vintage plastic jewelry  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Celebrating vintage plastic jewelry  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Celebrating vintage plastic jewelry  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Celebrating vintage plastic jewelry  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Celebrating vintage plastic jewelry  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Celebrating vintage plastic jewelry  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Celebrating vintage plastic jewelry  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Celebrating vintage plastic jewelry  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Celebrating vintage plastic jewelry  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Celebrating vintage plastic jewelry  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Celebrating vintage plastic jewelry  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Celebrating vintage plastic jewelry  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Celebrating vintage plastic jewelry  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Celebrating vintage plastic jewelry  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
Celebrating vintage plastic jewelry  - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry
I want to show why I love vintage plastic jewelry and I want to celebrate with a firework of colors so put your seatbelt on... - Costume Jewelryin Costume Jewelry